In my opinion the best type of communication occurs when you are face to face with someone. of course that type of communication is not always feasible. However, one must realize that if there is any other type of communication that occurs besides face to face communication that it can end up in several misinterpreations.
Also in communication I have had a lot of issues with miscommunication while texting. Many of those times it resulted in everything being negative. Therefore, if you insist on communicating through print, it is imperative that you have several people read it so that they may catch anything that you may have missed. Having people review it can also aid in ambiguous language.
Communicating through a video message can also be effective because the viewers can see the informer and hear them and there may also be text on he video to help to enhance what is being said.
However, in the case of project management, I think that all of the communication channels should be insisted upon. This way, everyone involved in the project can have access to the message that is attempting to be conveyed. Also to avoid conflicts, all messages through all communication channels should be reviewed by several people before they go live.
Hi Marcus, I appreciate what you mean by face to face communication is the best type. This is exactly what I said on my blog. Howevrer, thinking back, i believe that face to face communication and that is documentation. You must go back and put everything in writing for posterity.